Recently, I bought this small booklet,
published 1767, about Fusilier Regiment 41 von Lossow, during the
Seven Years War known as „von Wied“.
Hans Bleckwenn notes in his
introduction to this edition, a reprint from 1979:
„The fusilier regiment "Wied"
belonged till 1755 to the little respected „Wesel Garrison “;
which ranked not only in the lists of the army, but also in their
opinion below the field regiments, in dangerous proximity to the
disesteemed garrison troops. […]
The amazing thing emerged during the
war: in its achievements, regiment No. 41 turned out to be one of the
strongest of the fusiliers regiments, maybe the strongest one
overall. It fights at Prag, Kolin, Kunersdorf, Liegnitz and Torgau, -
pushes itself forward unimpressed from both defeats into the group of
regiments which also during the last years of the war were regarded as
A good regiment to have in your army!
„Auszug mit klingendem Spiel !“
(Departure with drums beating and flags flying)
(Departure with drums beating and flags flying)