The figures on the picture above are, from left to right:
Dixon Miniatures P6 Infantry kneeling firing
Dixon Miniatures P21 Charging - fixed bayonet
Foundry Miniatures SYWP25 Freikorps Musketeers Advancing
Foundry Miniatures SYWP25 Freikorps Musketeers Firing - Lapels
Comparison of Firing Pose (Dixon P6, Front Rank SYP29, Foundry SYWP22)
As can be seen (I hope) on the photos above, the Dixon Miniatures figures for the SYW range are obviously slimmer and a bit shorter than Front Rank or Foundry figures. In my oppinion, they mix well, especially if seen from further away. They definetly add variety to a skirmish force.
The one-page flyer from Dixon Miniatures, shown below, presents only a part of the available figures of their SYW range, the British and French among them.